Tuesday, February 28, 2012


What is your personal experience with swinging on anything like a trapeze? Being on a playground they had a trapeze like play thing and I would swing and do flips, but do not really remember much. What applications to "real life" do swinging objects have? Swings and playground or recess activities. What is your prediction about what will happen if two people are on one trapeze and only one is on the other and they are both let go at the same time? Explain I think it will be the same time. I remember learning about gravity and two objects fall at the same speed even if their weights are different and I think that would apply to this. What understanding or ideas do you have about the science of back-and-forth swinging objects? I just have understanding about gravity. 9 for 1 washer I think for two it will be the same 9 for 2 washers I think it will be the same for 3 washers 9.25 for 3 washers I think it will be the same for four washers 9 for 4 washers My prediction was correct for all of the washers. Why wasn't a bigger angle used? Does this relate to gravity where the weight of the object does not affect the falling object? For both of my questions it is beyond the scope of the experiment. I think my question about it relating to gravity is interesting to me because I know that is another misconception.

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