Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mosart Website

All four tutorials tied together and explained how to get rid of misconceptions.  I liked how it asked us questions about children and misconceptions, because I got some wrong and then the videos and text showed us the right answers.  This is exactly what we need to as teachers.  First ask them what they think and instead of just drilling them with the correct answer, show them the correct answer.  I also thought it was important how the website talked about the reasons for misconceptions and to not blame it on past teachers.  They get most of them from experiences outside of school.  The last thing I thought was important about the website said the misconceptions are in all ages and levels.  Even advanced students have misconceptions.  I think this is important for me in the classroom to not expect the advanced learners to have the right answer. This is important so that I have to focus on every student and not assume anything.  I thought the value of the website was to explain why they have misconceptions, who has misconceptions, and how to figure out what misconceptions they have.

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