Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Standard Benchmark
Learning Goals
Formative Assessment
Learning Performance
Content Standard: K-4 Earth and Space Science Content Standard: D Changes in Earth and Sky Benchmark: Weather from day to day changes and over the seasons
-The changes in weather from day to day can be forecasted by air pressure.

Only 11% of the students got the correct answer of D. more information is needed.  Students may have choose their answer due to personal experiences rather than their knowledge of weather.
-Build a simple barometer to measure air pressure, then forecast the weather by using the air pressure.

1.       Explain how the learning performance you chose would help you understand what students know about the standard you identified  (learning goals: what students should know)
a.       The lesson teaches students why the weather changes and how they can forecast then by using air pressure as a measurement.
2.       Explain how your Learning Performance contains all five features of inquiry.
a.       They are engaged by being asked questions like:
                                                               i.      • How do we know whether tomorrow will be a rainy or a sunny day?
                                                             ii.      • What are the different ways to find that out?
                                                            iii.      • How do meteorologists predict weather conditions
b.      They give priority to evidence, by first taking the air pressure for a week before weather forecasting so they know they are doing it correctly and then the next week can form their predictions
c.       The second week of the experiment they use their evidence about air pressure to make explanations for forecasting the weather.
d.      Students are evaluating their explanations by comparing to the other students in the classroom.
e.      After they evaluate they communicate to justify their conclusions on predicting the weather.

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